Monthly Archives: February 2015

Vanesaa Mejia – Model of the day

Drive yourself crazy with these Questions – Part IV

Trust this Universe to be magnanimous and it indeed is. As we promised earlier, the list of contradictions seems to be never-ending (at least as yet). And after compiling 3 versions earlier, we are forced to come out with the 4th part of this series. In case you had missed the previous parts, you can access them right here:

  • Drive yourself crazy with these Questions – Part I
  • Drive yourself crazy with these Questions – Part II
  • Drive yourself crazy with these Questions – Part III

And now, that we are all on the same page, off we continue our odyssey with Part IV…. <contd>

The grass is greener on the other side


Drive yourself Crazy with these questions – Part III

As we said before, we had a deep under current feeling that we haven’t fully exhausted the set of questions that needs to be answered. This time, rather than trying to find the answers, we actually decided to use our lazy time trying to look around things surrounding us – was there anything out there, which posed a question to us? And Jesus !! we ended up a pile one again.

In case you had missed the previous set of questions, you can access them here:

  • Drive yourself crazy with these Questions – Part I
  • Drive yourself crazy with these Questions – Part II

And for the rest, who have already waded through Part I and II, time to ferry the boat across Part III in this odyssey…….. <contd>

The secrete of success – Mark Twain


The Stunning Wisdom of using Math !!

Math is a subject which most people either love it or simply hate it. Hardly any grey area. But when it comes to a math magician, the story takes a very interesting turn. Here is a simple short story to illustrate that point.

The Math Magician

Once there was an old man living with his three sons in the vicinity of a desert. He earned for his life with his 17 camels. He used to rent out camels as means of shipping in the desert. One day, he passed away and he had a will, leaving his assets for his three sons.

The three sons read the will. While he divided all the properties he had into three equal parts, he divided the 17 camels in a different way. It wasn’t shared equally among the three as ‘17’ is an odd number and a prime number, which cannot be divided. The deceased old man stated that the eldest son will own half of the 17 camels, the middle one will get the one third and the youngest one will get one ninth as his share!

All of them were stunned to read the will and were wondering how to divide 17 camels as mentioned in the will.

It is neither possible to divide 17 camels and give half of the 17 camels to the eldest one nor able to divide the camels to the other two sons. They spent several days to divide the camels as mentioned in the will, but none could find the answer. They were stuck.

Can you find the solution?

They finally took this issue to a wise man in their village as they needed help on sorting this. The wise man heard the problem and instantly found a solution. He asked them to bring all 17 camels so that he could divide them as intended by their father.

The sons brought the camels to the place. The wise man added a camel owned by him and made it count 18.

Math Magician at work

Eva Mendes – Model of the Day



Dont’ ask HOW? – Victor Frank


Drive yourself Crazy with these questions – Part II

As we Pumpkins took upon ourselves one set of questions (if you had missed those questions, click here) in search of what could have been the “Truth” for mankind to realize, we realized that we only invited more questions than answers. Why should be go crazy alone in this mad world? Our job as pumpkins is to drive everybody crazy with the new found “craziness” that we are infected with. Just kidding :). So here goes the fresh set of questions that we will reserve for another lazy day to ponder about. If today happens to be your lazy day, you may well do to ponder the answers for these questions. Else, copy paste this somewhere for later reference. …………. <Contd>

Yarishna Nicole – Model of the day